Initial SDK Setup

SDK Installation

Our JOIN Stories React Native SDK is available via npm. You can install package like this :

npm install @join-stories/react-native-widgets  
yarn add @join-stories/react-native-widgets 
pnpm add @join-stories/react-native-widgets 


Android compatibility

JOIN Stories SDK targets Android API level 21 (Android 5.0, Lollipop) or higher.


iOS compatibility

JOIN Stories SDK targets iOS 12 or higher.

SDK Initialization


TeamId and widget alias

You will need your team id and the widgets' alias you want to integrate. You can find both of them in the Integration tab of your widget mobile on studio.

To create a widget, check the documentation. Make sure to choose Mobile app environment.

Before using any feature offered by the SDK, you have to initialize it. At the root of your App, you need to do this:

import { JoinStories } from "@join-stories/react-native-widgets";

export default function App() {
	useEffect(() => {  
  }, []);
  return <MyApp />;

Add Component



When integrating, you need to be aware of the widget's lifecycle, as the widget may send request several times during use if it is destroyed and recreated, in the case of a dynamic list.
Destroying and recreating the view will generate a loaded widget, which will be counted towards your pricing

After SDK initialization, you can display your widget anywhere you like, for example on HomePage:

import { JoinStoriesView } from '@join-stories/react-native-widgets';

export default function Home() {
  return (
    	<Text>Welcome !</Text>
      <JoinStoriesView alias="<your_join_alias>" />


Good job !

You have integrated your first component and are ready to see stories in your application.



JoinStoriesView is the default view (or trigger). It displays stories in a bubble format like Instagram. You can use other formats like Card. For more info, see UI Customizations.

Player Standalone Mode

If you don't need to display bubbles (or cards) and just want to open the player following an action (event, button click, etc.), you can use the player in standalone mode. Simply call a method to open the player as follows :

import { JoinStories } from "@join-stories/react-native-widgets";

export default function Home() {
  const openPlayer = () => {
  	JoinStories.startStandalonePlayer({ alias: '<your_join_alias>' });
  return (
    	<Button title="Open player" onPress={openPlayer} />

It will open on the first story of the given widget.

Dismiss Player Manually

If you want to dismiss the player manually, you can use the dismissPlayer method :

import { JoinStories } from "@join-stories/react-native-widgets";

export default function Home() {
  const dismissPlayer = () => {
  return (
    	<Button title="Dismiss player" onPress={dismissPlayer} />



This method can also be used to dismiss a player opened via a bubble or card component.

Refresh widget manually

You can manually fetch stories from the widget (as after a pull-to-refresh) using the refresh method in the widget classes.

import { Text, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native';
import { JoinStoriesView, JoinStoriesViewRef} from '@join-stories/react-native-widgets';
import { useRef } from 'react';

export default function Page() {
  const storiesViewRef = useRef<JoinStoriesViewRef>(null);
  const handleRefresh = () => {
  return (
    <TouchableOpacity onPress={handleRefresh}>
      <Text>Refresh Stories</Text>

Set Up Player Listener

Add Listener

The JOIN Stories SDK exposes a listener who notifies the application when an event occurs on your widget and player. You can register the listener using the following code example.

import { JoinStoriesView, JoinStories } from '@join-stories/react-native-widgets';

export default function Home() {
  useEffect(() => {
  	const playerListener = JoinStories.addPlayerListener((event) => {
      console.log('event received', event);

    return () => {
  }, [])
  return (
    	<Text>Welcome !</Text>
      <JoinStoriesView alias="<your_join_alias>" />


Here is a list of the events you can receive:

TriggerFetchSuccessitemCount(number): number of stories that were retrieved.This event tells you that the trigger has completed its network operations and that there are stories to display.
TriggerFetchEmptyThis event tells you that the trigger has completed its network operations and that there are no stories to display. This can happen if the add alias has no stories configured or if there are no stories already stored locally in offline mode.
TriggerFetchErrormessage(string): error messageThis event tells you that the trigger has completed its network operations and had a problem while fetching your stories.
PlayerFetchSuccessThis event tells you that the player has completed its operations (network or local) and that there are stories to display.
PlayerLoadedThis event tells you that the player is loaded and playing the stories
PlayerFetchErrormessage(string): error messageThis event tells you that the trigger has completed its operations (network or local) and had a problem while fetching your stories.
PlayerDismissedstate ('auto' | 'manual')This event tells you that the player has disappeared and how. It can be automatic when all the stories have finished being viewed without any user interaction. It can be manual when it's the user who makes the player disappear or via an event implemented in the application.
ContentLinkClicklink (string): CTA linkThis event tells you that a user has clicked on a CTA in the player. By default, it will try to open a web browser.

If you are using typescript, you can also import and use the PlayerEvent type.

Prevent default behavior

Some events are followed by specific actions (i.e ContentLinkClick tries to open the link in a browser). To prevent this happening, you can call event.preventDefault(). See :

import { JoinStoriesView, JoinStories } from '@join-stories/react-native-widgets';

export default function Home() {
  useEffect(() => {
  	const playerListener = JoinStories.addPlayerListener((event) => {
      // implement your own logic

    return () => {
  }, [])
  return (
    	<Text>Welcome !</Text>
      <JoinStoriesView alias="<your_join_alias>" />

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